A Health System for detection of pulmonary diseases

Built Using - tensorflow-gpu, scikit-learn, opencv

  • Objective: Given X-rays and CT scans of lungs of the subject we have to identify and check for the presence of pulmonary diseases in the subject.
  • Identify, describe and divide the diseases in the lungs into groups for broad classification using feature extraction

Hand digit recognition application

Built Using - pandas, tensorflow, keras, numpy, matplotlib

Recipe Recommendation System

Built Using - NeO4j, nodejs, expressjs, w3css

  • Source https://github.com/riyabisht/Recipe-recommender
  • Objective: Based on availability of ingredients with a user this application helps discover the list of possible dishes with theses ingredients.
  • Uses modern graph database - NeO4j, to make links between ingredients and dishes.
  • Created a web app to interact with the database.

Child day care system

Built Using - PHP, CSS, HTML, MySQL

  • Objective: It helps parents to enroll their child in daycare without standing in a queue
  • It also has a dashboard where admin can briefly view total babysitter, total services, total new enrollment, total accepted enrollment