Basics of JavaScript#
What was first javascript engine ?#
- java script is created by
Brendan Eich
- java script engine is also created by him
javascript is not understandable by computer but only browser understand JavaScript.
java script
engine is a computer program that execute javascript program and convert it into computer understandable language.
Browser | Name of Javascript Engine |
Google Chrome | V8 written in c++ |
Edge | Chakra |
Mozilla Firefox | Spider Monkey |
Safari | Javascript Core Webkit |
Google chrome's Javascript V* engine#
- html parser tries to fetch
script file
- either from Network Cache Service Worker
- stream of bytes return to
byte Stream Decoder
- Decoder generate
- token send to
Ignition Interpreter
generate Bytecodeuse turbo fan
(optimizing optimizer) to generate byte code faster and optimize machine code- faces problem due to dynamically type - not good for engine
- garbage collectoroilterm
- garbage collector
Java script runtime environment#
- it provides all the things required to run js code
- things like
- eg : Js engine
- api - local storage , settime out ,console is api
- event loop
- call back queue
- every browser have javascript run time env .
Execution Context#
- Every thing in a js happens in a
Execution context
. - Execution context has 2 components
- memory component -
Variable Environment
: variables and values stored in key value pairs - code component -
Thread of Execution
: code execute one line at a time - Js is a synchronous , single threaded language
- single threaded means - one line at a time
- Syncronuos means - execution done is a order
- create own engine by following
language standard - code →parsing →compilation →execution
- parser generate Abstract javascript code for a piece of javascript code
javascript parse tree generator
javascript is an interpreted language or a compile language ?#
- use both interpreter + along compiler called
- job of compiler is to optimize the the code generated by the interpreter
- with the help ofMemory heap
andcall stack
just In time Compilation
garbage collector
usesMark and sweep algorithm
- optimize memory spaceilining
copy elision
inline caching
- start with $,_,letter
Declaring variable#
used to declare both local and global variables
- blocked scope local variable
- read only
const MY_OBJECT = {'key': 'value'};
MY_OBJECT.key = 'otherValue';
// this will not cause any error
Difference between var and let#
if (true) {
var x = 5;
console.log(x); // x is 5
if (true) {
let y = 5;
console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is not defined
VAriable hoisting#
- can refer to a variable declare later
Function hoisting#
- function hoisting done using
function declaration
- not hoisted if they're defined using
function expression
foo(); // "bar"
/* Function declaration */
function foo() {
Global variable#
- global variables - properties of global object
- global object is
- sent and access global variable using
- 7 datatype
- string
- number
- boolean
- null - behave as 0 in numeric context
- undefined - var or let statement with no assigned value
- object
- symbol
Data type conversion#
- javascript is a dynamically typed language
operator convert numeric to strings
y = 42+"this my ans" // "42 this is my ans"
var y = 5 - "1"; // y = 4 number
converting string to numbers#
- parseInt()
var y = "121";
var x = parseInt(y,10); // string , base
- parseFloat()
- Literals are fixed values not variables
array Literals
boolean literals
Numeric literals
Integer literals
floating point literal
object Literals
RegExp literals
string literals
let coffees = ['French Roast', 'Colombian', 'Kona'];
- Only the last comma is ignored
let myList = ['home', , 'school', , ];
//length 4
Java script Selectors#
Event Listener
function sayHi() {
let element = document.querySelector("#city");
element.addEventListener("click", sayHi);
Click is the most common event type but you can also use click | mouseenter | mouseleave | mousedown | mouseup | mousemove | keydown | keyup.
- for changing value
DOM (Document object Model)#
adding javascript#
- Inline - onload = "alert('hello');"
- internal
- external
- always add javascript in the end - because it will try to access the elements which is not exist yet
get property#
- innnerHTML
- style
- firstchild
set property#
- click()
- appendChild()
- setAttribute()