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Data Processing#

Discrete & continuos random variable#

random variable (X): variable whose values are numerical outcomes of random phenomenon.

  • discrete
  • continuos

discrete random variable

  • take only countable number of distinct values (eg 0,1,2,3..)
  • eg: no. of children in family
  • defective light bulb in box

probability distribution| mass function | probability function:list of probabilities associated with each possible values

  • random variable X may take k different values, with the probability that $$ X = xi$$ defined to be P(X=xi) =pi.
  • where 0<=pi<=1
  • p1+p2+p3+...+pk=1

Continuous Random Variable

  • one which takes an infinite number of possible values.
  • usually measurements
  • eg: height,weight , amount of sugar in an orange
  • defined over an interval of values, represented by area under curve
  • probability of observing any single value is 0.
  • since, number of values which may be assumed by random variable is infinite

suppose random variable X may take all values over an interval of real numbers.

  • probaility that X is in set of outcomes A ,P(A)
  • P(A) is defined as : area above A and under a curve
  • curve :represents function p(x) must satisfy
  • the curve has no negative values p(x)>=0 for all x
  • the total area under the curve is equal to 1
  • curve meeting these retirements known as density curve

Missing values#

  • when no data value is stored for variable in an observation
  • can give significant effect on conclusion
  • can bias the results or reduce accuracy

Why data missing from dataset#

  • reasons for missing data affect approach of handling missing data.
  • past data might get corrupted due to improper maintenance
  • observation is no recorded
  • might get failure in recording values (human error)
  • user not provide values intentionally


types of missing values

  • missing completely at random
  • missing at random
  • missing not at random